Summarizing Data from Multiple tables

I’m trying to create a report that summarizes data from multiple tables in ConverSight. Is it possible to consolidate this information? If so, can someone guide me through the process?

Hello @archanask , Use the smart column function to consolidate the report from many tables. It enables us to create reports or to validate inputs from many columns across several dataset tables. You can name the query, gather all the necessary columns in one place and save it for later use. This feature allows users to retrieve the group of columns with just the Summary Fields name in Athena, saving the considerable amount of time and effort. Here are the steps to follow and create Summary Fields/Smart Column.

  • Navigate to Data management screen by clicking on the profile name and select “Configuration” to toggle between the view options. From that select Data Management option. NOTE: You must have Data Admin access to do this action.
    Screenshot 2023-05-05 104308

  • Select a dataset which contains the table you want to summarize the report from and click on configure Sme option by houvering to the action icon for that particular dataset

  • clicking the settings icon located at the top right corner of the screen, then select Create Custom Fields. From there, you will see three tabs, and the middle one is the Summary Field tab.

  • In this tab, you can choose the column from multiple table you want to include, and you can also add filters if necessary. Once you have saved and published your changes, you can refer to the set of columns you added by calling the smart column’s name. If needed, you can also add additional filters while asking questions
