Adding tags to help questions

How to add tags in help questions?


Hello @srihari.manoharan,

Here is some information regarding accessing and modifying help questions in Athena’s SME Coaching screen:

  1. Upon logging in to Athena, navigate to the SME Coaching screen to find the “Help Questions” tab.
  2. Once you’ve accessed this tab, you can view the list of questions if you have configured them previously.
  3. If you hover over the “edit icon” located next to the “delete icon,” you will see the existing tags associated with the question.
  4. Clicking on the “edit icon” will bring up a pop-up with a text bar where you can enter the tag name. If the tag already exists, it will be listed. If not, you can enter the new tag and save it.

For further clarity, I have attached some screenshots for your reference.

Screenshot from 2023-02-25 22-52-04