Viewing Detailed Reports in Athena

How can I view detailed reports based on specific data elements, such as years, quarters, or months in Athena?

Hi @archanask

We can use the default filter to get results based on the options - “this month, this quarter, and this year”

Images attached for your reference

Image: 1 ( This Month)

Image: 2 ( This Quarter)

Image: 3 ( This Year)

We have a few other options to filter, like Day wise, Financial year based, and last 30, 60 days, Last 3 months, etc…

Thank you.


Thank you for your detailed response @Kalyani :clap:

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Hi @archanask

Here is the way we can ask through Athena chat.

Using guided search we can ask the questions like above.

Here are some examples.

Month Wise:

Year Wise

Thank you.