Purpose of a Heatmap and rule to create it

What is the purpose of a Heatmap and what is the rule to create a Heatmap?

Hi @Chellammai,

A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the values in a matrix are represented as colors. The purpose of a heat map is to visually summarize complex data sets and to identify patterns and trends in the data.

The purpose of a heat map is to help users identify patterns and trends in their data quickly and easily. A heat map can be used to display data in a two-dimensional matrix format where each cell in the matrix is color-coded based on the value it represents. The colors used in the heat map can be customized to reflect the significance of the values in the data, with brighter colors indicating higher values and darker colors indicating lower values.

Following are the rules to create a heatmap

  1. Determine the data to be plotted.
  2. Create a matrix to organize the data.
  3. Assign colors to values based on a gradient scale or divergent color scheme.
  4. Plot the data using a heat map.
  5. Interpret the heat map by identifying patterns and trends in the data.
