I have too many dashboards, so I cannot find a particular dashboard easily. Is there any way to classify or organize it so I can find it much faster?
Hello @abhiram.venkat, we offer a feature that allows you to organize your dashboards. You can assign a specific business area tag to a dashboard, which enables you to filter the dashboard based on that particular business area.
To get started, go to your dashboard and click on the Edit option. This will bring up a pop-up window where you can modify the dashboard name and assign a business area tag. The business area field will show you a list of existing business areas that you can select from.
You can add up to four business areas for each dashboard, or create a new one by typing in the text box and saving it. Once saved, the business areas you created will appear alongside the search bar under the Dashboard menu. You can select multiple business areas to filter your dashboard accordingly.
Please note that the Edit/Create Business Area option is only available for dashboards that you created. If a shared dashboard already has a business area tag assigned to it, you can use it to filter the dashboard or filter it under the general “Shared” tag.
Hope this information is useful.